Financial Lines Summit Austria: Branchentreffen bringt neue Erkenntnisse

Zum ersten Financial Lines Summit Austria lud Finlex Ende Juni in das ein. Auf dem einzigartigen und interaktiven Netzwerktreffen für die stark wachsenden Cyber und Financial Lines-Community…

Weshalb ein stabiler D&O-Markt unwahrscheinlich ist

In den letzten Jahren wurde die deutsche Wirtschaft durch die Covid-19 Pandemie, geopolitische Krisen sowie hohe Inflation geprägt. Sowohl wirtschaftliche als auch gesellschaftliche Probleme haben…

Berkley Deutschland – einer der führenden Anbieter von Spezialversicherungen und Risikolösungen für den Mittelstand mit umfassendem Produktangebot in Deutschland und Österreich

Im Interview sprechen Alexa von Brevern, Manager Financial Lines und Manuel Metz, Manager Cyber Europe darüber, warum Versicherungsschutz insbesondere für den Mittelstand wichtig ist. Die beiden…

Finlex Financial Lines Summit Austria 2024

This was our 1st Financial Lines Summit Austria – the industry meeting of the rapidly growing cyber and financial lines community in Austria – above the beautiful rooftops of Vienna at…

New Cyber Expert Lane on the Finlex platform with innovative tender feature

Specialist broker Finlex is launching its new Cyber Expert Lane for companies of all sizes and in all sectors. The Expert Lane replaces the previous “Cyber insurance” product on the…

Personal D&O insurance on Finlex platform with three insurers

Managers now can protect themselves against liability risks targeting their personal assets. They can purchase a personal D&O insurance via the Finlex platform. The insurtech company Finlex is…

Finlex expands its Cyber Ecosystem

To counteract the developments in Cyber crime, Cyber insurance is continuously changing and improving. Companies, however, need a symbiosis of Cyber insurance to mitigate the impact of attacks on…

Finlex Advent calendar 2023

Finlex wishes you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas! Here you can find all our advent calendar articles, click on the individual doors to find out what’s behind them. Check out our LinkedIn…

Finlex now also offering criminal legal protection insurance for companies in Austria

At a time when the number of criminal investigations against companies and their representatives is increasing, Insurtech Finlex is expanding its product range and is now offering a new digital…

Finlex Austria celebrates its 1st birthday

Exactly one year ago, in May 2022, the Finlex platform went live in Austria. It is now an integral part of the Austrian industrial insurance sector and already has over 160 Austrian platform users in…

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Denise Jetzki

Denise Jetzki

Head of Marketing & Communications

New Cyber Expert Lane on the Finlex platform with innovative tender feature

Specialist broker Finlex is launching its new Cyber Expert Lane for companies of all sizes and in all sectors. The Expert Lane replaces the previous “Cyber insurance” product on the…

Personal D&O insurance on Finlex platform with three insurers

Managers now can protect themselves against liability risks targeting their personal assets. They can purchase a personal D&O insurance via the Finlex platform. The insurtech company Finlex is…

Finlex expands its Cyber Ecosystem

To counteract the developments in Cyber crime, Cyber insurance is continuously changing and improving. Companies, however, need a symbiosis of Cyber insurance to mitigate the impact of attacks on…

Finlex Advent calendar 2023

Finlex wishes you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas! Here you can find all our advent calendar articles, click on the individual doors to find out what’s behind them. Check out our LinkedIn…

Finlex now also offering criminal legal protection insurance for companies in Austria

At a time when the number of criminal investigations against companies and their representatives is increasing, Insurtech Finlex is expanding its product range and is now offering a new digital…

Finlex Austria celebrates its 1st birthday

Exactly one year ago, in May 2022, the Finlex platform went live in Austria. It is now an integral part of the Austrian industrial insurance sector and already has over 160 Austrian platform users in…

UNIQA and Finlex join forces in financial lines sector

More than 140 platform users already benefit from Finlex’s digital marketplace, which went live in Austria in May 2022. UNIQA is now the first Austrian insurance company to join the seven existing…

Finlex simplifies the cyber closing process for SMEs in Austria

Three offers in three minutes – it’s never been easier to get and compare cyber offers than with Cyber Fast Lane. The Finlex platform thus offers Best Advice – with very economically calculated…

AssCompact Commercial Insurance Symposium

A day packed with practical topics, in-depth commercial insurance knowledge ‒ and Finlex will be there as well! With top-notch presentations from industry experts, attendees will be able to gain…

Finlex continues to grow its Austrian team

Finlex, one of the most successful German InsurTechs, is also showing strong growth in Austria and is strengthening its Vienna team right at the start of 2023 with the appointment of Financial Lines…