Modern handling for your optimized insurance coverage.

In addition to the actual professional challenges, law firms are increasingly confronted with a variety of management issues, such as the choice of the appropriate legal form, the content orientation, or the internal organization.

Modern and risk-appropriate insurance cover.

Insurance coverage is an essential element! Therefore, the goal should always be to have insurance coverage that is a perfect fit with an optimal ratio of premium, sums insured, and insurance conditions, as well as market transparency – and to do so in the shortest possible time and in the smart way.

Changes to the German Federal Lawyers’ Act (BRAO-Reform) passed on 01.08.2022 have had a big impact.

In the worst case, professionals have unlimited personal liability.

Legal forms and agreements that limit liability, as well as customized insurance coverage, are essential safety nets for the financial protection of a law firm.

Insurance coverage plays an important role in competing for clients and appointing courts.

Professional Indemnity Insurance – types of products

Customized insurance programs for mid-sized and larger (patent) law firms and tax firms and convenient standard solutions for small law firms. Reforms in professional law are likely to impact insurance coverage.

Special products for personal activities with unlimited liability. Insurance in line with risk is the only instrument to protect private assets.

In the event of a claim, the details are decisive.




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