

Finlex GmbH
Ludwigstr. 33-37
60327 Frankfurt am Main

Phone +49 69 / 8700 142-0
Fax +49 69 / 8700 142-99


Managing Partners: Sebastian Klapper, Tomasz Kosecki, Christian Reddig
Local Court (Amtsgericht): Frankfurt am Main
Commercial Register: HRB 102501
Tax ID: DE301067037
Occupational Title: Insurance Broker; Federal Republic of Germany

Finlex GmbH is registered with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Frankfurt am Main and entered in the Register of Insurance Brokers as an insurance broker with permission according to Sec. 34 d para. 1 of the Trade Regulation (Gewerbeordnung) and the registration number: D-EQGC-DUHUU-05.

The competent supervisory authority is the Frankfurt am Main Chamber of Commerce, Börsenplatz 4, 60313 Frankfurt am Main, phone: +49 69 / 2197-0, Fax: +49 69 / 2197-1424,

Professional regulations:

Sec. 34d Trade Regulation

Secs. 59 – 68 Insurance Contract Act (VVG)

Insurance Brokerage Regulation (VersVermV)

The professional regulations can be viewed and retrieved via the homepage operated by the Federal Ministry of Justice and juris GmbH.

The entry in the brokerage register can be verified as follows:

Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) e.V., Breite Str. 29, 10178 Berlin, phone: +49 / 180 6005 85-0*,

* Fixed network price 0.20 euros/call; mobile phone prices maximum 0.60 euros/call

As an insurance broker, we offer consulting. According to customary law, the insurance company bears the remuneration – called brokerage fee – for our consulting, brokerage and support activities. The brokerage fee is part of the insurance premium. Any deviation thereof must be explicitly agreed between us and the client. In particular when brokering “net products”, a separate remuneration agreement is usually entered into, which obligates the client to pay the remuneration. Net products are products for which the brokerage fee is not included in the insurance premium. Our company does not receive remuneration in the form of other benefits. Finlex GmbH does not hold any direct or indirect interest of more than 10% in the voting rights or capital of any insurance company. Conversely, no insurance company or parent company of an insurance company holds a direct or indirect interest of more than 10% in the voting rights or capital of our company.

Arbitration bodies – out-of-court dispute resolution – pursuant to Sec. 214 VVG:

Versicherungsombudsmann e.V., P.O. Box 08 06 32, 10006 Berlin (further information at

Ombudsmann Private Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung, P.O. Box 06 02 22, 10052 Berlin (further information at

Responsible for journalistic-editorial content within the meaning of Sec. 18 para. 2 MStV:

Finlex GmbH
Ludwigstr. 33-37
60327 Frankfurt am Main

Bionic Systems
Büro für Gestaltung
Hildebrandtstr. 14
40215 Düsseldorf

Doris Fürst, Malte Haust, Stephan Belitz
WebGLShader by Fabienne Bielmann @Codrops

Photography & Film
Sebastian Heindorff


Content and structure of this website are protected by copyright. The copyright is owned by us (Finlex GmbH). The reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts or images, apart from the retrieval for private use, requires our consent in advance.

We (Finlex GmbH) agree to respect the privacy of all individuals who use our website and to keeping the personal information that visitors to our website provide to us confidential. Beyond what is required to perform the service, we use the data voluntarily provided to us only for informational purposes in order to process the respective request. Please also read our data protection provisions.

We (Finlex GmbH) review and update the information on this website on a regular basis. Nevertheless, the data may have changed in the meantime. Therefore, we cannot assume any liability for the topicality, correctness, and completeness of the information. The same applies to websites that are referred to via hyperlink or that refer to our website. We are not responsible for the content of the websites that can be reached through such a link. Furthermore, we reserve the right to make changes or additions to the provided information. The provided information on the web pages does not constitute any individual advice and cannot replace it.

Our (Finlex GmbH) website may contain links to external third-party websites; we do not have control over their content. Therefore, we cannot assume any liability for these external contents. The respective provider or operator of the pages is always responsible for the content of the linked pages. When they were linked, the linked pages were reviewed for possible legal violations. When they were linked, illegal contents could not be recognized. However, it is not reasonable to permanently control the contents of the linked pages without specific evidence of a violation of the law.

With its judgment of May 12, 1998, the Regional Court (Landgericht) Hamburg decided that the inclusion of links also results in co-responsibility of the material offered via these links. This can only be prevented by explicitly dissociating oneself from this content.


Therefore, this applies to all links on this website

We (Finlex GmbH) dissociate ourselves from the contents of the linked pages and sub-pages. We explicitly emphasize that we have no influence on the design and content of the linked pages.

If we become aware of any violations of the law, we will remove such links immediately.

Finlex GmbH
Branch Office Austria
Kohlmarkt 8-10
1010 Vienna, Austria

Status information:
Finlex GmbH is registered with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Frankfurt am Main and entered in the Register of Insurance Brokers as an insurance broker with permission according to Sec. 34 d para. 1 of the Trade Regulation (Gewerbeordnung) and the registration number: D-EQGC-DUHUU-05.
Under the freedom of establishment, Finlex Austria is registered as an insurance broker. Finlex is registered in the Austrian Business License Information System (Gewerbeinformationssystem Austria (GISA)) and is thereby authorized to act as an insurance intermediary in Austria without restriction. To obtain a corresponding verification from GISA, click here ( Enter the company name and select the field “Search also for foreign intermediaries”.

Professional regulations:
Secs. 137 – 138 Trade Regulation Act (Gewerbeordnung)
Secs. 1 – 15 and 26 – 32 Brokerage Act (Maklergesetz)
Code of Conduct for Insurance Brokerage
The professional regulations can be reviewed and retrieved via the homepage which is operated by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (Bundesministerium für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort).
As an insurance broker, we offer consulting. According to customary law, the insurance company bears the remuneration – called brokerage fee – for our consulting, brokerage and support activities. The brokerage fee is part of the insurance premium. Any deviation thereof must be explicitly agreed between us and the client. In particular when brokering “net products”, a separate remuneration agreement is usually entered into, which obligates the client to pay the remuneration. Net products are products for which the brokerage fee is not included in the insurance premium. Our company does not receive remuneration in the form of other benefits. Finlex GmbH does not hold any direct or indirect interest of more than 10% in the voting rights or capital of any insurance company. Conversely, no insurance company or parent company of an insurance company holds a direct or indirect interest of more than 10% in the voting rights or capital of our company.


Arbitration bodies for out-of-court dispute resolution:

  • Complaints Office at the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs, Stubenring 1, 1010 Vienna
  • Legal Service and Arbitration Board of the Professional Association of Insurance Brokers and Consultants in Insurance Matters (Rechtsservice und Schlichtungsstelle des Fachverbandes für Versicherungsmakler und Berater in Versicherungsangelegenheiten) Johannesgasse 2/1/2 Door 28, 1010 Vienna,