The Whistleblower Protection Act and the resulting liability risks

In recent years, the protection of whistleblowers, i.e. individuals who report corporate wrongdoing, has become increasingly important. In Germany, the Whistleblower Protection Act…

Beata Drenker becomes new Vice President Management Liability Lines

Finlex is pleased to announce the promotion of Beata Drenker to the position of Vice President Management Liability Lines. Beata Drenker has been with Finlex for a little over two years, serving as…

Finlex now also offering criminal legal protection insurance for companies in Austria

At a time when the number of criminal investigations against companies and their representatives is increasing, Insurtech Finlex is expanding its product range and is now offering a new digital…

Preliminary ruling on cyber insurance

Regional Court of Tübingen comments on the preconditions for defence of gross negligence as the cause of the insured event (Section 81 (2) VVG (Versicherungsvertragsgesetz [German Insurance Contract…

Fine recourse against managers – latest developments in case law and insurability of fines in D&O

Contrary to the opinion previously held in case law and in parts of the literature, the Regional Court of Dortmund ( decided in its decision dated 21/06/2023 –…

Trends in the era of digitalisation: New hedging solutions to meet customer expectations

Increasing digitalisation in industry Industry 4.0 – the digitalisation and networking of industry – has led to a profound change in business value creation. In the meantime, entire machine parks at…

Finlex provides new digital concept for criminal legal protection for companies

In times of increasing criminal investigations against business leaders and managers, InsurTech company, Finlex, is expanding its product range and is now offering a new digital placement process for…

Partial Criminal Legal Protection in D&O insurance – adequate replacement or deceptive security?

D&O insurance protects managers in the event of a claim due to financial loss and claims relating to civil law. However, liability proceedings are often preceded by criminal proceedings, the…

Current economic situation, insolvencies and financial loss liability insurance

Crises put pressure on companies The German economy is facing major challenges in these continuing times of crisis. To some extent, companies have the opportunity to face the demands and even emerge…

Gesetz zur Abmilderung der Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie im Zivil-, Insolvenz- und Strafverfahrensrecht

Die Corona-Pandemie bringt nicht nur eine Einschränkung des öffentlichen Lebens mit sich, sondern infiziert auch die Wirtschaft. Das Bundeskabinett ergreift signifikante Maßnahmen, um Entlassungen…

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Denise Jetzki

Denise Jetzki

Head of Marketing & Communications

Fine recourse against managers – latest developments in case law and insurability of fines in D&O

Contrary to the opinion previously held in case law and in parts of the literature, the Regional Court of Dortmund ( decided in its decision dated 21/06/2023 –…

Trends in the era of digitalisation: New hedging solutions to meet customer expectations

Increasing digitalisation in industry Industry 4.0 – the digitalisation and networking of industry – has led to a profound change in business value creation. In the meantime, entire machine parks at…

Finlex provides new digital concept for criminal legal protection for companies

In times of increasing criminal investigations against business leaders and managers, InsurTech company, Finlex, is expanding its product range and is now offering a new digital placement process for…

Partial Criminal Legal Protection in D&O insurance – adequate replacement or deceptive security?

D&O insurance protects managers in the event of a claim due to financial loss and claims relating to civil law. However, liability proceedings are often preceded by criminal proceedings, the…

Current economic situation, insolvencies and financial loss liability insurance

Crises put pressure on companies The German economy is facing major challenges in these continuing times of crisis. To some extent, companies have the opportunity to face the demands and even emerge…

Gesetz zur Abmilderung der Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie im Zivil-, Insolvenz- und Strafverfahrensrecht

Die Corona-Pandemie bringt nicht nur eine Einschränkung des öffentlichen Lebens mit sich, sondern infiziert auch die Wirtschaft. Das Bundeskabinett ergreift signifikante Maßnahmen, um Entlassungen…

PM: FINLEX bringt eigenes Cyber-Produkt auf den Markt

PRESSEMITTEILUNG der FINLEX GmbH FINLEX bringt eigenes Cyber-Produkt auf den Markt Frankfurt, 03.04.2017 I Wie bereits im Dezember letzten Jahres angekündigt, steht ab sofort das Cyber-Bedingungswerk…

PM: FINLEX-Maklerplattform geht live

PRESSEMITTEILUNG der FINLEX GmbH Financial Lines Maklerplattform geht live Frankfurt, 19.07.2016 I FINLEX startet die erste unabhängige Ausschreibungs- und Platzierungsplattform für Gewerbe- und…

DFB fordert EUR 6,7 Millionen von Ex-Vize des WM-Organisationskomitees

Im Skandal um die WM-Vergabe fordert der Deutsche Fußball-Bund (DFB) von Fedor Radmann, dem früheren Vizepräsidenten des WM-Organisationskomitees, die Zahlung von EUR 6,7 Millionen mit einer…