Paris Location

A Symbiosis of insurance expertise & modern technology – now also in France.

In 2016, Finlex launched its smart online insurance platform. Today, 20 international insurance companies and 230 commercial and industrial brokers already use it. In 2022, the premium volume increased to 100 million euros and the team to around 130 employees.

The commercial and industrial customer platform focuses on the segments of the financial lines such as D&O, Cyber, Criminal Legal Protection, and Professional Indemnity. We combine expertise with modern technology to deliver first-class products fully digitally. Finlex’s focus is on digitalization and expertise.

We are shaping the future. With our new Finlex Office – right in the heart of France.

While smart digital business models have long been a reality in the private customer sector, digitalization in the B2B business is still in its early stages. Finlex is revolutionizing settlement processes and thus offers real added value for the entire industry.

We invite all French brokers and insurers to join us in implementing a quantum leap in the  digitalization of the financial lines business and the optimization of the coverage market!

Brokers for brokers.Break new ground with us and optimize processes.

Get in touch with our team in France.



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