October 2, 2024
GDV-Statistik zur D&O-Versicherung – Finlex bestätigt Schadentrends
Nach der neuesten GDV-Statistik stiegen die Anzahl der Schäden sowie die Entschädigungszahlungen der gemeldeten D&O-Schäden bereits das zweite Jahr in Folge. Der GDV und die an der Erhebung…
March 19, 2024
The requirements of § 81 para. 2 VVG (grossly negligent causation of the insurance case) in Cyber insurance
(Erichsen/Seiz, r+s 2024, S. 97) Unfortunately, Cyber attacks on businesses are no longer uncommon, but rather part of everyday business. In 2023 alone, Finlex’s claims department recorded…
March 6, 2024
Impact of the current ECJ jurisdiction on Art. 82 GDPR on Cyber insurance
In three recent judgments (C-687/21, C-340/21 and C-456/22), the ECJ has clarified its jurisdiction on the data protection responsibility of companies for their own IT and data security, as well as…
March 6, 2024
December 11, 2023
Cyber insurance case with Santa
In Finlex's claims department, our experts deal with numerous cyber claims that require instant assistance. This was the case at the beginning of this year's Christmas season when hackers gained…
December 11, 2023
July 18, 2023
Preliminary ruling on cyber insurance
Regional Court of Tübingen comments on the preconditions for defence of gross negligence as the cause of the insured event (Section 81 (2) VVG (Versicherungsvertragsgesetz [German Insurance Contract…
July 18, 2023
Cyber,Criminal Protection,Haftungsrisiken,Schaden,Laws,Finlex,Finlex,Cyberattacke
July 4, 2023
Fine recourse against managers – latest developments in case law and insurability of fines in D&O
Contrary to the opinion previously held in case law and in parts of the literature, the Regional Court of Dortmund (https://openjur.de/u/2471461.html) decided in its decision dated 21/06/2023 –…
July 4, 2023
Cyber,Criminal Protection,Haftungsrisiken,D&O,Blog,Schaden
October 20, 2022
Finlex-Anmerkung zur Korrektur der GDV-Schadenstatistik im Bereich D&O
Der Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. (GDV) hat kürzlich eine Korrektur zur D&O-Schadenstatistik vorgelegt. Hier die Anmerkungen von Finlex dazu. Hintergrund: Der GDV hat…
September 12, 2022
Claims payments in cyber insurance increase significantly – Finlex confirms GDV statistics
According to the latest GDV statistics, insurers’ claim payments in cyber insurance exceed premium income. Finlex can basically confirm the trend observed from its own claims and coverage…
August 1, 2022
How inflation is affecting D&O and cyber insurance claims
Inflation, energy crisis and supply chain issues are increasing liability risks for managers. At the same time, companies are holding their management bodies personally liable for wrong decisions…
August 1, 2022
Press Release,inflation,D&O,Europe,Schaden,Cyber
Finlex experts guide you through the platform and provide helpful insights into current industry topics.
July 18, 2023
Preliminary ruling on cyber insurance
Regional Court of Tübingen comments on the preconditions for defence of gross negligence as the cause of the insured event (Section 81 (2) VVG (Versicherungsvertragsgesetz [German Insurance Contract…
July 18, 2023NewsCyber,Criminal Protection,Haftungsrisiken,Schaden,Laws,Finlex,Finlex,Cyberattacke
July 4, 2023
Fine recourse against managers – latest developments in case law and insurability of fines in D&O
Contrary to the opinion previously held in case law and in parts of the literature, the Regional Court of Dortmund (https://openjur.de/u/2471461.html) decided in its decision dated 21/06/2023 –…
July 4, 2023NewsCyber,Criminal Protection,Haftungsrisiken,D&O,Blog,Schaden
October 20, 2022
Finlex-Anmerkung zur Korrektur der GDV-Schadenstatistik im Bereich D&O
Der Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. (GDV) hat kürzlich eine Korrektur zur D&O-Schadenstatistik vorgelegt. Hier die Anmerkungen von Finlex dazu. Hintergrund: Der GDV hat…
September 12, 2022
Claims payments in cyber insurance increase significantly – Finlex confirms GDV statistics
According to the latest GDV statistics, insurers’ claim payments in cyber insurance exceed premium income. Finlex can basically confirm the trend observed from its own claims and coverage…
August 1, 2022
How inflation is affecting D&O and cyber insurance claims
Inflation, energy crisis and supply chain issues are increasing liability risks for managers. At the same time, companies are holding their management bodies personally liable for wrong decisions…
August 1, 2022Press,NewsPress Release,inflation,D&O,Europe,Schaden,Cyber