Insurtech Finlex joins the global UnisonSteadfast network
Finlex, an innovative platform provider for insurers and insurance brokers, has joined UnisonSteadfast, the largest international network of independent insurance brokers.
UnisonSteadfast, with its headquarters in Hamburg, Germany, is the world’s largest independent network of mid-sized insurance brokers, specializing in international insurance programs and Risk Management Services for all significant industrial regions worldwide. The global network currently counts over 700 broker members represented in more than 140 countries around the globe generating a premium volume of more than US $40 billion.
Finlex – the online insurance platform for commercial and industrial clients in the field of Financial Lines and Cyber – acts as a wholesale broker and is currently building a unique ecosystem in Europe. The Frankfurt-based Insurtech company focuses on digitalization and innovative technologies. Since its foundation in 2015, Finlex has successfully established itself as one of the leading platform providers in Germany. The company is continually growing and is currently strengthening its position in the international insurance markets.
Wolfgang Mercier, UnisonSteadfast President & CEO, says: “We are pleased to welcome Finlex, such a dynamic and future-oriented network partner with a distinctive innovative technology, to our ranks. For over 17 years, UnisonSteadfast, has been dedicated to growing its international reach and expertise to deliver value to its member brokers and their clients. Finlex has been successfully working for many of our German network partners for years. We are confident that our members worldwide will benefit from Finlex’s expertise and technology.”
Dr. Stephanie Belei, Head of Client Management – Global Corporates at Finlex, is also very pleased about the strategic cooperation: “The partnership between UnisonSteadfast and Finlex is a great step to underline our claim to support also in an international context, as well as to be able to accompany and support the global growth of our clients in all corners of the world in the best possible way”. “Wherever necessary, Finlex can now draw on even more local expertise in broking, advisory and claims handling and, in addition to more geographical proximity to international subsidiaries, also offer a local contact person in the local language on request,” says Florian Eckstein, Financial Lines Expert & Practice Lead IPOs and Capital Markets from the Global Corporate Team. “Local specifics on insurance coverage and compliance are thus optimally staffed with local experts and implemented in close coordination with the well-known Finlex team.”
The following image is released for reprinting subject to editorial, non-commercial use.
Wolfgang Mercier | (Pressefoto)
Photo credits: Finlex GmbH
Dr. Stephanie Belei | (Pressefoto)
Photo credits: Finlex GmbH
Florian Eckstein | (Pressefoto)
Photo credits: Finlex GmbH
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About UnisonSteadfast AG
UnisonSteadfast, with its more than 700 highly qualified broker members, forms the largest insurance brokerage network in the word. About 24,000 employees at more than 2,000 offices in 140 countries on 6 continents (Europe, North and South America, Asia, Africa and Australia-Oceania) generate a gross premium volume of more than US $ 40 billion. The global UnisonSteadfast network is co-ordinated from Hamburg, Chicago, Miami, London, Xàbia (Spain), Shanghai, Johannesburg and Sydney. Its members – mainly medium-sized brokerage companies – benefit from the access to high-quality cross-border insurance solutions and excellent service.
Contact: Polina Balko, , Tel: +49 (0)40 80 90 729 – 15,
About Finlex GmbH
Finlex – the online insurance platform for commercial and industrial clients – aims to be the leading digital marketplace for financial lines’ business segments throughout Europe. This includes D&O, cyber, legal expenses, fidelity, pecuniary loss liability and capital market transaction insurance. Finlex focuses on digitization and professionalism. The InsurTech Radar 2021, recently published by Oliver Wyman, considers Finlex one of the few ‘scale-ups’ with enormous potential. Scale-ups are start-ups that have left the initial phase and are showing rapid growth. Finlex is headquartered in Frankfurt am Main with offices in Berlin, Barcelona, Düsseldorf, Essen and Vienna.
Press contact
Finlex GmbH
Denise Jetzki | Head of Corporate Marketing
Phone: +49 69 8700 142-0
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