Finlex launches next platform generation with new brand identity
A new brand identity with a preview of the next Finlex platform generation also paves the way for Finlex’s internationalization strategy.
Finlex is one of the most successful German InsurTechs. Its business model is based on a fully automated digital platform for the commercial and industrial insurance market in the financial lines sector. The rapidly growing business recently has closed a growth financing round with two renowned investors, BlackFin Capital Partners and Segenia Capital, in order to drive the further development of the platform and its internationalization.
Together with the launch of the next Finlex platform generation, the new brand presence also goes online, offering a first taste of its Europe-wide expansion.
Finlex creates innovative standards in the rapidly growing ‘financial lines’ segment
The platform was launched in 2016, and has been evolving and developing ever since. Today, it is already used by 20 international insurance companies and 230 commercial and industrial brokers. In 2021, the premium volume contracted in this way increased to 60 million euro. The commercial and industrial client platform’s focus is on financial lines segments, such as D&O, cyber, legal expenses and pecuniary loss liability. Combining expert knowledge and state-of-the-art technology allows for the fully digitized handling of the premium products.
Empirical knowledge gathered in recent years has been continuously added to the process of developing the digital, efficient and transparent Finlex platform, laying the foundation for the next generation. The flexibility in product design has increased significantly in this new generation, as has the connection to third-party products. In addition, a new user interface now allows for even more convenient use.
All these innovations continue the smart path taken by the Finlex ecosystem in all product areas with its modern end-to-end solution for maximum insurance protection, intuitive and 100 percent digital.
Tomasz Kosecki, Founder & Managing Director of Finlex: “These innovations on our platform are ushering in a new era of growth for Finlex”.
Robo-underwriting realizes significant cost benefits
The platform enables insurance companies to automate underwriting (‘robo-underwriting’) and to gain direct digital access to the market’s leading brokers while realizing significant cost benefits.
Brokers can use the platform to make fully digitized tender submissions to leading international insurance companies. If the smart criteria are met (e.g. up to 200 million in sales in D&O), they receive the premium comparison in real time, including the cover quality evaluation based on the Finlex score. The smart renewal and portfolio functions as well as the comprehensive knowledge database further add to the digital infrastructure for the brokers. In addition, the Finlex platform offers the option of fully digitized mapping own products and industry concepts.
The following image is released for reprinting subject to editorial, non-commercial use.
Tomasz Kosecki | (Press photo)
Photo credits: Finlex GmbH
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About Finlex GmbH
Finlex – the online insurance platform for commercial and industrial clients – aims to be the leading digital marketplace for financial lines business segments throughout Europe. This includes D&O, cyber, legal expenses, fidelity, pecuniary loss liability and capital market transaction insurance. Finlex focuses on digitization, along with outstanding technical expertise.
The InsurTech Radar 2021, recently published by Oliver Wyman, considers Finlex one of the few ‘scale-ups’ with enormous potential. Scale-ups are start-ups that show rapid growth already after the initial phase.
Finlex is headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, with offices in Berlin, Barcelona and Düsseldorf.
Presse contact
Finlex GmbH
Denise Jetzki | Marketing Expert
Telefon: +49 69 8700 142-0
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