Finlex at the Innovario in Bonn
The year is coming to an end but an important industry event is still to come: InnoVario. The 8th InnoVario will take place on 15 and 16 November 2022 at the Rhein Sieg Forum in Siegburg/Bonn. This year, there will also be the option of attending virtually.
The annual industry event is all about promoting dialogue on innovative business models, new product concepts, process optimisation and future developments in the insurance industry.
The focus of the 8th InnoVario is on the “drivers of change”. The first day will focus primarily on technological and social change. On the one hand, a glimpse will be taken at the advancing digitalisation, the increase in data and the use of artificial intelligence. At the same time, social change will be discussed, which is based, among other things, on changed value concepts, an increasing awareness of sustainability and new work concepts. The second day of the event will deal with the resulting changes in the market environment as well as the changes in the risk landscape.
We are very pleased to have Sabine Pawig-Sander, Non-Executive Director, join us on the 2nd day of the conference with a presentation. “It is not the risk situation that has changed, but the Cyber Insurers’ view of cyber_risk according to their concrete claims experience,” she said in her presentation on “Cyber Risks: the seven-headed hydra of the digital world”. Similar to the monster Hydra, it is allegedly the case with the insidious Cyber Risks that companies and insurers are fighting against. No sooner has one risk been eliminated than two new ones appear. The risk landscape in the Cyber Sector is changing due to ever better malware, that is true. But mainly, the loss experiences of companies and insurers have sharpened the focus on the technical details – this leads to better awareness among companies and more qualified IT security requirements in the insurers’ risk assessment. In order to be protected in the best possible way, it is necessary to increase risk awareness among companies and to strengthen technical protection against attacks.

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