Financial Lines Summit Germany – Save the date March 27th, 2025
We are looking forward to seeing you.
With the Financial Lines Summit Germany, we are launching our interactive networking event for the Financial Lines Community in Germany as well. Insurers, industrial brokers, experts, corporate clients, as well as economic and legal advisors, are invited to learn about the latest developments in Cyber and D&O, discuss future strategies from a holistic perspective, and initiate new collaborations. Will you join us?
The Financial Lines insurances, Cyber and D&O, are among the fastest-growing insurance sectors due to the digitalization and globalization of the economy and have become core components of any modern coverage concept for commercial and industrial enterprises.
The number of Financial Lines experts both inside and outside the insurance industry is also growing – as are the demands in the dynamic market environment of Cyber security and management liability.
‘The Financial Lines Summit Germany 2025 in Frankfurt creates a unique format for the Financial Lines community: A comprehensive perspective on current industry trends and plenty of room for essential exchange and networking. A 'must-be' event for all Financial Lines decision makers and market participants.’
Sebastian Klapper, CEO Finlex

‘The Financial Lines Summit Germany 2025 in Frankfurt creates a unique format for the Financial Lines community: A comprehensive perspective on current industry trends and plenty of room for essential exchange and networking. A 'must-be' event for all Financial Lines decision makers and market participants.’
Sebastian Klapper, CEO Finlex

March 27th, 2025
8:30 – 17:30 | SummitSPARK
From 17:30 | Networking get-together
Interactive Event Format.
In the context of a holistic market perspective, our event offers a unique opportunity for exchange between participants from all market segments. High-caliber and practice-oriented presentations provide participants with valuable insights into selected current topics within Financial Lines. We place particular emphasis on interaction between participants and speakers. The collective expertise and diverse perspectives of the attending community enrich the content of the presentations, significantly enhancing the value for participants compared to traditional lecture events.

Dr. Mirjam Boche
Partner, ARQIS Lawyers

Martin Bodenstein
Director Deloitte

Jana Dünkeloh
Head of Financial Lines & Cyber
Zurich Group Germany

Melih Eris
Director Broker & Advisory Deloitte GmbH

Zeliha Hanning
Chairwoman of the Executive Board Württembergische Versicherung AG

Anders Indset
Author | Philosopher | Deep-tech investor

Sebastian Klapper
CEO Finlex

Jochen Körner
Chairman of the Management Board | CEO Ecclesia Group

Andrea Kotter
VP Cyber Finlex

Miriam Marx
Managing Director GGW Next Insurance Broker

Florian Ploghaus
Specialist Strategy Management

Benedikt Pult
In-house lawyer | Authorised representative Finlex

Dr. Henning Schaloske
Partner und European Board Chair
Clyde & Co

Dr. Marcel Straub
Head of Legal & Claims Finlex

Secure your personal ticket for the Financial Lines Summit Germany 2025 in Frankfurt am Main.
A place with vision.
‘SPARK’ – an inspiring blend of living and experience space.
At the Financial Lines Summit, we invite you to look beyond the day-to-day business and explore practical future topics with us. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn from the most advanced markets in the Financial Lines sector and to gather inspiration in the impressive setting of SPARK in the heart of Frankfurt, as well as to network with industry experts.

Interaction between participants and speakers is especially important to us. We are looking forward to seeing you!
Junghofstraße 16
60311 Frankfurt am Main

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